Monday, November 4, 2024 5pm to 7pm
About this Event
154 Hicks Way, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, November 4, 2024 | 5-7pm
W. B. Du Bois Library
2nd Floor, RECESS Room
The Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success invites you to attend a social gathering and conversation between the various Native and Indigenous students, staff, faculty, alumni and local community members. This gathering will be an opportunity for community building, to engage with like-minded scholars and to form networks that will help strengthen the bonds of the Native and Indigenous communities of the valley. Over the past few years, we have seen a decline in these groups and their representation by the institutions we work in, and it's our goal for this event to rekindle the bonds between the five-college native communities. We will open with the university's land acknowledgement, an opening statement on the event and its outcomes. We'll have a few presenters talking about their lived experience of being Indigenous at a PWI and their work in preserving and advocating for Indigenous communities. Afterwards, we will have an hour for everyone there to meet others in their field, form connections and start the process of creating new collaborations.
All are welcome to attend!